Wednesday, April 23, 2014


P.O. Box 21308 u Albuquerque, New Mexico 87154-1308 u 505-369-4233

Contact: Peter Shams-Avari
                (505) 369-4233


Albuquerque, NM – Republican Candidate for the First Congressional District, Richard Priem today condemned the latest attempt by left wing ideologues to use social media to attack his reputation and misrepresent his background, experiences and beliefs.   
In a series of messages on Twitter that appeared last night and this morning, it was alleged by several authors that Priem supported all use of deadly force by the Albuquerque Police Department and actually was involved in training Albuquerque police officers in use of force policies and procedures. Priem has done neither.
“First and foremost, I only support use of deadly force in situations where it is required to protect officers or bystanders from death or serious bodily harm (and legally justified),” Priem said. “I believe that the new leadership at APD should be given an opportunity to address any problems they find before the heavy hand of the Federal government orders actions that may not be fully justified.”
Priem went on to say that “The vast majority of police officers in Albuquerque are responsible public servants, committed to protecting our community from those who would do us harm. To label the entire police department as a ‘problem’ represents a gross distortion of reality.”
Priem is a long-time law enforcement manager, having served as the Provost Marshal (chief of police) at what was the largest military installation in the “free” world at the time and as Executive Officer of a forward-deployed Military Police Brigade. He also provided oversight for all military police and combating terrorism training conducted by the U.S. Army. “We had an enviable record in the Army when I served in these roles,” Priem stated. “I am proud of the fact that we had no unjustified law enforcement shooting incidents during my term in that position.”
Priem also managed development and delivery of training for civilian first responders responsible for preventing terrorist bombing attacks and conducting effective operations during bombing incidents that actually occur. Commenting on that training, Priem stated that “We had a complex use of force policy for suicide bombing scenarios that was reviewed and approved by government lawyers. To the best of my knowledge, none of our graduates has been accused of inappropriate use of force in any incident.” These training courses brought over $250M into the New Mexico economy during Priem’s tenure as contract manager.
“I sincerely hope that the misrepresentations that emerged last night and today don’t reflect approval by the Michelle Lujan-Grisham campaign,” according to Priem. “I suspect that she doesn’t want to face me in the general election but I hope that her campaign will deliver only responsible, truthful statements designed to highlight the differences in our political positions. The voters of this District deserve that.”
Priem believes that all the citizens of our community should allow the leadership at APD to identify and make any necessary changes to policies, procedures and training based on their analyses of the regrettable shooting incidents of the recent past. ”The police department in Albuquerque stands between us and the chaos that would occur without their presence and support,” according to Priem. “Let’s tone down the rhetoric and solve problems responsibly and professionally.” 


Monday, March 17, 2014

Priem Dismayed by Frese’s Derogatory Comments About New Mexico Burger Chains

March 17, 2014
Contact: Peter Shams-Avari
                  505-369-4233 (Office)
                  505-410-1171 (Cell)

Priem Dismayed by Frese’s Derogatory Comments About New Mexico Burger Chains

Albuquerque, NM – New Mexico GOP Congressional Candidate Richard Priem expressed dismay at comments posted by his GOP Primary election opponent Mike Frese on Facebook ( which contained some derogatory  statements regarding burger chains in New Mexico, the quality of beef raised in New Mexico, and overall business practices of New Mexico Fast Food Burger chains.  “I have to say when the post first caught my eye I though he was advertising In–n–Out Burgers,” Priem commented.  “Upon reading his comments I was dismayed that he would have such a low opinion of New Mexico based burger chains as well as those regional and national chains with significant operations in New Mexico.”  Frese’s comments regarding In-n-Out burgers contained statements speculating that perhaps New Mexico raised beef did not meet In-n-Out Burger’s standards, or perhaps there was a monopoly in the burger busness in New Mexico.  Frese claimed that overregulation has kept the California based chain out of New Mexico.  “Given that California is arguably the most regulated state when it comes to business operations I would say that Mr. Frese may be reaching in this claim,” Priem added.  “If he is saying that as a member of Congress he can change New Mexico’s stae regulatory environment I submit that perhaps he’s running for the wrong office and he should take a serious look at seeking a state office.” Priem said.  Priem concluded, “I guess what really took me aback was his statement implying that New Mexico burger chains were substandard businesses.  These comments are a slap in the face to everyone operating a burger restaurant in New Mexico.  New Mexico does not have ‘substandard beef’ or ‘substandard business,’ and one only need look around to see that the burger chain business is very competitive – so any thought of monopoly is completely ludicrous.”

The text and screen clip of the actual post follows:

I wanted to touch on an off-beat topic today - hamburgers - and more specifically fast food.

If you've been anywhere west of New Mexico, you have probably been able to enjoy In-N-Out Burger. They're a chain that began in the late 40's in California and spread east in the 70's. That eastward expansion took a big leap. So big, in fact, that it skipped right past New Mexico and on to Texas.

Now I've heard that this is because the chain has standards for its beef that New Mexico can't meet, and I've also heard that it's because there are other burger chains that have a monopoly on the NM fast foot market. But I suspect that In-N-Out is most likely keeping its feet out of the kiddie pool that is our highly regulated and overly taxed economy.

There should be no reason that a business wouldn't want to dive headfirst into a prosperous market - a market in which it could easily run neck-and-neck with sub-standard competitors.

Anyhow, take that as today's good food for thought.

